Bloggery, dockery, mock,
My shoe mated with my sock.
A frock was born,
My sheep need shorn(ing)
I'm a radical born(ing/boring/boing boing)
Welcome back to yet another episode of Abnormality Farm, where the animals ask the questions and we ask the question; can animals improve their diction before being shot?
Over to you Mavis:
Thank you Melvis. Now, Donald, can you please oink the alphabet for us?
Oink, Oink, Oink, Oink,
Oink, Oink, Oink, Oink,
Oink, Oink, Oink, Oink,
Oink, Oink, Oink, Oink,
Oink, Oink, Oink, Oink,
Oink, Oink, Oink, Oink,
Poink, Zoinks!
I'm sorry Donald, you almost had it at F and G, but you went downhill from there.
[Off camera a shot is heard]
Ahh, well, that answers that question. Thank you for all your support Mavis, we'll see her later in the show.
And in other news the RSPCA have been convicted of animal cruelty when their 'Supreme President' was found to have ordered the 'plucking of all feathered turtles' for his 'invisible conquering brush of doom 300[tm]'. The turtles have been taken into protective custody as they were being mocked by their more plumed comrades.
If I were to give a name to what I do, it would be controlled and spasmodic wordy buffuonory. All of these (with the possible exception of 'and') are real and non made up words and only add to my power in the field. That field is the use and abuse of the things know as words to bring pleasure and/or alleviate drudgery of the masses. Now, the masses hate words as they are not the most wordy of wordifying peoples. In fact the more words you word word at them the more worded and wordinginst they word.
Feel free to go over that last paragraph and check it out, I'm not sure all of it made nonsense.
This next section is entitled 'Dadaism is like my pants'.
Dadaism is like my pants
Dadaism is like my pants; its easy to put you're leg in the wrong hole and they're both often found clinging to the start of the 20th century with alarming alacrity. Dadaism is also like my pants in other ways; like when I accidentally went without it and got some juice spilt on my trousers! Oh the fun times we've both had.
[{At this point the author read over what he had written and laughed heartily. He then saw that what he had made was very good and he said so. Then he turned to the penguin which was with him and said; 'This all sounds vaguely like some big book I've read somewhere. The penguin said 'Was it 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return Of The King?' The author then said, 'Ah, I think you could be wrong, but we'll go with that because this bit isn't funny.' The Penguin noddedly sagely.}]
Also, for a differently similar style of bloggery, traverse yourself, through the medium of mouse clickery and keyboard tappery to;
which is the home of our good friend S. Royally - which may or may not be a nom-de-plume.
This next section is entitled 'fin'.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
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I hope this blog of your's is some how out working your subconcious struggles or somehing constuctive like that. because when I read it I feel like I'm dreaming about a dream about a 4D abstract painting that is infanate, although more keeps being added to it by a being that is outside of time and space and it's a bit confusing for me. xx